Worth every penny. I'm sure the James Carvilles of the world have never seen such powerful proof of creationism. If only Mr. Carville would take the time to read 2 Peter chapter 3. Most of us hear about "Bible Stories" in our Sunday School classes, but I think it's time to get serious about the teaching of God's creation. It is the foundation of everything we believe as Christians.
So, get in the Word, get the DVD set above (I have no ties to Answers in Genesis and go no money from you buying that set) and teach your congregation the truth! The facts are on our side. God Bless.
The international news network CNN describes James Carville as a “prominent Democratic strategist.”
He’s largely credited with getting President Bill Clinton elected in 1992 through his key strategic planning, and is maybe best known as the former host of CNN’s “Crossfire” program and as a frequent guest on CNN’s “Situation Room” (where I once appeared in May 2007). He is also the husband of Republican strategist Mary Matalin.
Carville often pops up on political talk shows on TV. That was the case Friday in the Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees program on the 4th of September. Carville slammed creationists—mentioning our Creation Museum. Erica Hill, CNN anchor, conducted this program as Anderson Cooper was on assignment. As part of the program, Hill interviewed Carville concerning President Obama’s planned back-to-school speech
later this week. Here are excerpts from that interview where creationists and the Creation Museum are specifically referred to by Carville:
The truth of the matter is, they have got people in this country that don’t believe that Obama was born in the United States. There have got people in this country that believe that the Earth is 5,000 years old, all right? There’s nothing that you can do about that. You have to live with it. They have to go on. To the children that want to sit there, this is a man that’s sort of a testament to what education can do for somebody. His mother read to him at 4:30 in the morning. He is a highly educated person. He can talk to kids. He can talk. He might be able to connect with a lot of kids that don’t — do that, and, if you feel compelled to keep your kid out of school, I mean, it is a free country, keep your kid out of school. But you cannot run a country based on birthers and creationists. You have to run a country based on trying to inspire kids. And that’s what these guys have got to learn to do.
HILL: Tony [Blankley; a columnist with the Washington Times], in terms of keeping kids home from school, if you could give me a yes or no, do you think it is a good idea? And, if you are going to keep kids home from school, what should the lesson be that parents are giving their children that day, in terms of a civics lesson?
BLANKLEY: Look, I think every parent has to make their own decision as to—as to why they’re—what they want to do.
Keeping your kid out of school and on the first day is a big deal. On the other hand, a parent has a right to protect their children from anything they don’t want to have. And, sometimes, parents keep them from sex education and other stuff. That’s a family’s decision. It’s not mine and it’s not the government’s.
HILL: James, would it be easier—the White House has said now that it will release a copy of the speech online on Monday, so parents can review it ahead of time before school starts.
CARVILLE: Well, I think they are, yes.
HILL: No, they are.
CARVILLE: My understanding is, is that they are.
HILL: But should they have done it sooner. They are. They have confirmed that. But should they have done it sooner, say, yesterday?
CARVILLE: Well, look, in retrospect—in retrospect, you should have anticipated—again, this is a country that people believe that—these people believe Obama wasn’t born in the United States. They believe the Earth is 5,000 years old. [Actually, over 6,000 years old—KH.]
A parent has every right to take their kid to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. I don’t—that is a right. But this is something that we have got to live with in the United States. And I don’t guess the administration saw this coming. And, in hindsight, could they have done this or that? That’s fine. And people have a right to keep their children home.
But I think we would be better off if we sort of believed in what facts were and we had some kind of appreciation of what the scientific method was in this country. But, hey, you know, think what you want.
Not only is the Democratic strategist slamming people who believe in creation, but he is obviously mentioning the Creation Museum with a negative connotation. Carville is insinuating that if one is intelligent, one would not believe in creation and would not send their children to the Creation Museum.
It is ok for such secularists to tell children that children can be killed in the womb (abortion) if it’s a woman’s choice to do so. It is ok to tell children they are just animals resulting from re-arranged pond scum and therefore there is no purpose or meaning to life—but then also inconsistently condemn school violence/drugs etc.
We need to pray much for this country and for the hearts of the leaders of this nation—as well as those in the media spotlight.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying
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