Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sermon Ideas | Is God Holy, Or Should We Wear Tank Tops And Flip-Flops?

Today in church, we took part in The Lord's Supper. I have always believed it to be a very special and holy occasion. Somehow though, I do believe that the church in whole is beginning to fade from that way of thinking. The deacons serving the crackers and grape juice (that symbolize Christs body and blood shed on the cross for our sins), were wearing Hawaiian shirts! I thought it was very inappropriate to say the least.

The last time I checked, you can't even go before an American judge wearing shorts and flip-flops; how much more sacred should we hold going in front of the maker of all creation as his servants? Maybe I'm just being a little picky, but I thought it was disrespectful and shouldn't be a regular practice of church deacons.

Romans 12 starts off with Paul begging the church to present itself as holy... and not to conform to this world; yet I couldn't tell this morning whether the deacons were there to serve God or hop on a plane for vacation. Nowadays, Christians seem to think that Jesus is our bud who is just hanging out in heaven waiting for us to come hither so he can give us a big hi-five. Just listen to today's 'Christian' music; God is our homie that wants to give us everything our little hearts desire.

I get a different picture when I actually read the Bible. I remember God telling Moses to remove his shoes, for he was on Holy ground. Sacred. I remember reading about how the temple was set up and if the high priest entered and wasn't clean - HE DIED!!! It was serious business to come before the Lord. Jesus changed some of the ceremonial laws, but His Holiness will never change.

I remember Peter, James and John (probably a little closer to the Lord than you or I) falling on their faces because they saw the holiness of God's glory when He transfigured before them. And here we are shuck'n and jive'n in our Hawaiian shirts instead of at least a shirt and tie. What's next, tank tops and flip-flops? Shame on us.

So, you want some sermon series ideas? How about the Holiness of God?

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